Peach Blossom | Double Early Tulip

Peach Blossom Tulip:
Peach Blossom is a twofold tulip assortment with a yellow focus flanked with a white radiance, encompassed by profound cool pink petals blurring to child pink at the tips. Every glass molded bloom head sits on a durable blue-green stem. Group this entirely pink tulip with Muscari for a cool conditioned show, as the blues will truly bring out Peach Blossom's pink petals and yellow focuses. Bear in mind that tulips jump at the chance to be planted late in October and November with the colder climate (it wipes out ailment, as well.) Plant globules pointy side up, 15cm profound and water well. Huge 11/12cm knobs provided. Stature 40cm.
Peach Blossom | Double Early Tulip

Planting And Growing Ideas:
Plant knobs in the well-burrowed soil around 8-10cm profound and approx 10-15cm separated. It is frequently helpful to utilize a little bone meal or super phosphate blended in with the dirt. Tulips charm amid their development in a sunny area.

After the tulips have blossomed and when leaves blur and turn cocoa the globules can be lifted, dried, cleaned and put away in a cool place until planting time. Tulips ought not to be developed in a similar soil for quite a long while, so supplant with new soil each other year.
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